Once Gurugalu were travelling across Kandanathi along with their staff. Venkanna was then an illiterate shepherd, good at heart. Probably he was lucky enough, Gurugalu performed Sri Moola Rama Swamy puja in front of Venkanna's hut. Gurugalu instructed Venkanna to chant their name in troubles and progressed.
One day, as usual, Venkanna was rearing his cattle in the fields. Some soldiers approached him and took him along with them saying that the Nawab was calling him. Venkanna followed them innocently. Nawab to Venkanna - "Read this note clearly and explain us the matter." For this Venkanna replied back saying that he was an illiterate. But Nawab did not trust his words and ordered him to read the note with a tinge of anger. Venkanna perplexed by the orders of the Nawab, chanted Gurugalu's name in his heart and opened the note. Wonder ! He was able to read every single word of the note. He understood the matter and explained the same to the Nawab - "Sir, your army troops won the war at Rayachur and are returning back. This note is to inform you the progress, from the Army Chief."
Nawab, on hearing this, overwhelmed with joy, presented Venkanna that village along with few other villages and offered him the post of a writer in his court. Venkanna was fortunate and soon became the Diwan.
Sri Raghavendraya Namaha !!!
What an amazing and inspiring incident. Thanks for posting.